Goodbye 2020

What a difficult year that has been. I really do hope 2021 is brighter, but I do think there are lots of issues ahead which are going to make things tough. Not just Covid but political too, with the true effects of Brexit starting to bite. 

Anybody running a business or working in the creative industries will have found the past twelve months extremely challenging, especially if your work involved travelling, or working on location and It’s hard to see how things are going to pan out. As George Monbiot described himself, I am a “reluctant remainer” as there are lots of structures and hugely complex EU laws which are in fact damaging the natural world. In particular the Farming quotas and bizarre rules around the management of land which in turn seem to damage and maintain a barren landscape where the natural world may otherwise be allowed to regain control. If you are interested in this kind of thing I can reccomened his brilliant book “Feral” (which incidentally features a great cover shot by Julia Fullerton-Batton)

To be clear, my conclusion was that Europe offered the UK allot more than it took away and we were stronger in than we will be outside the EU.

I do however think there will eventually be a big bounce back when we get Covid under control, and I am sure that we will start to make deals and arrangements with the EU which will bring back some of the freedoms we have lost, the main one to affect the photo industry seems to be the need for a Carnet for each EU country we pass through!


The images above have all been taken since the first lockdown was imposed, and are all taken within walking distance of my home. I decided to take a set of images looking at my hometown in a new and interesting way. As I walked around, usually at night, I started to see new urban landscapes appearing and structures and views that I am very familiar with started to look new and exciting. 

This is a series I plan to continue and possibly to expand the subject matter. It feels like a good time to publish a selection here.

After feeling trapped and unable to work, this project certainly has reignited my passion for pursuing my own projects within photography. And in turn a great way to try and turn a difficult situation in to a creative opportunity.

To anyone who reads this, please do get in touch, I am always available for a chat, whether its to discuss photography or not!!!! 

 Good luck for 2021 and beyond.

Copyright Luke Hayes Photography LTD; All rights reserved.
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