Markham Moor
December 19, 2024A1 curiosity
I’ve always tried to catch a glimpse of this structure on my way up and down the A1 over the years. Never quite managed it.. But I do like this screen grab, from a video I took whilst travelling south as a passenger last week. (a rare occurrence)
Apparently this structure was originally designed as a petrol station, with the pumps situated underneath the parabola.. Sounds fun to me! It must have been great to use something so delicate and refined for an every day functional purpose.
Thinking about this building reminded me of a great book by photographer Paul Graham - A1: THE GREAT NORTH ROAD (which it seems he had to self publish)
The book was an inspiration to many social documentary photographers that followed, and has now evolved in to a nostalgic view back in to the early 80’s, full of colour and life, documenting the inhabitants and travellers of this famous road.
This structure has now been turned in to a Starbucks, via a Little Chef, but is still a landmark, a curiosity and journey marker plus a great example of how architecture, design and engineering can create little moments of joy amongst the field of perfunctory necessary infrastructure.